Utilities Utilities for working with query strings
To populate <Link>
components with state values, you can use the createSerializer
Pass it an object describing your search params, and it will give you a function
to call with values, that generates a query string serialized as the hooks would do.
import {
} from 'nuqs/server' // can also be imported from 'nuqs' in client code
const searchParams = {
search: parseAsString,
limit: parseAsInteger,
from: parseAsIsoDateTime,
to: parseAsIsoDateTime,
sortBy: parseAsStringLiteral ([ 'asc' , 'desc' ] as const )
// Create a serializer function by passing the description of the search params to accept
const serialize = createSerializer (searchParams)
// Then later, pass it some values (a subset) and render them to a query string
serialize ({
search: 'foo bar' ,
limit: 10 ,
from: new Date ( '2024-01-01' ),
// here, we omit `to`, which won't be added
sortBy: null // null values are also not rendered
// ?search=foo+bar&limit=10&from=2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
The returned serialize
function can take a base parameter over which to
append/amend the search params:
serialize ( '/path?baz=qux' , { foo: 'bar' }) // /path?baz=qux&foo=bar
const search = new URLSearchParams ( '?baz=qux' )
serialize (search, { foo: 'bar' }) // ?baz=qux&foo=bar
const url = new URL ( 'https://example.com/path?baz=qux' )
serialize (url, { foo: 'bar' }) // https://example.com/path?baz=qux&foo=bar
// Passing null removes existing values
serialize ( '?remove=me' , { foo: 'bar' , remove: null }) // ?foo=bar
To access the underlying type returned by a parser, you can use the
type helper:
import { parseAsInteger, type inferParserType } from 'nuqs' // or 'nuqs/server'
const intNullable = parseAsInteger
const intNonNull = parseAsInteger. withDefault ( 0 )
inferParserType <typeof intNullable > // number | null
inferParserType <typeof intNonNull > // number
For an object describing parsers (that you’d pass to createSearchParamsCache
or to useQueryStates
), inferParserType
return the type of the object with the parsers replaced by their inferred types:
import {
type inferParserType
} from 'nuqs' // or 'nuqs/server'
const parsers = {
a: parseAsInteger,
b: parseAsBoolean. withDefault ( false )
inferParserType <typeof parsers >
// { a: number | null, b: boolean }